October 2021
Vol. 14 no. 3
The RQR Bulletin of October 2021 is now available here: October 2021

June 2021
Vol. 14 no. 2
The RQR Bulletin of June 2021 is now available here: June 2021

February 2021
Vol. 14 no. 1
The RQR Bulletin of February 2021 is now available here: February 2021

December 2020
Vol. 13 no. 4
The RQR Bulletin of December 2020 is now available here: December 2020

July 2020
Vol. 13 no. 3
The RQR Bulletin of July 2020 is now available here: July 2020

April 2020
Vol. 13 no. 2
Dear members of the RQR community,
This is a challenging time for us all. I hope you are keeping healthy, both physically and mentally. As with pretty much all… >>

January 2020
Vol.13 no.1
The RQR Bulletin of January 2020 is now available here: January 2020

Vol. 12 no. 5
The RQR Bulletin of November 2019 is now available here: November 2019

September 2019
Vol. 12 no. 4
The RQR bulletin of September 2019 is now available here: september 2019

July 2019
Vol. 12 no. 3
The RQR bulletin of July 2019 is now available here: july 2019

May 2019
Vol. 12 no. 2
The RQR bulletin is available here: May 2019

January/February 2019
Vol. 12 no. 1
RQR Travel Award- 2019 Competition
The RQR is pleased to announce its 2019 Travel Award Competition. RQR trainees can apply for awards of up to $ 500 to cover costs associated… >>

December 2018
Vol. 11 no. 7
Review of the 11th RQR Symposium
The 11th edition of the RQR Symposium was held on November 13th and 14th, 2018 at McGill’s New Residence Hall in Montréal. The Pre-Symposium Workshop… >>

September 2018
Vol. 11, no.6
11th RQR Symposium
The 11th RQR Symposium will be held on November 13th and 14th, 2018 at New Residence Hall in Montréal.
Don’t delay because places are limited to 200 participants!
Dr.… >>

July 2018
Vol. 11 no. 5
Science literacy week
On September 17th– 23rd 2018, the Science Literacy Week will be held across Canada. During this week, science activities will highlight outstanding science researchers and communicators from coast… >>

May and June 2018
Vol. 11 no. 4
2018 RQR Symposium
The 11th RQR Symposium will be held on November 13th and 14th, 2018 at the McGill New Residence Hall located at 3625 Avenue du Parc, Montreal, H2X… >>

April 2018
Vol. 11, no.3
New RQR website
The French version of the new RQR website is now available! In order to better represent the new direction of the RQR and to make the navigation more… >>

February and March 2018
Vol. 11 no. 2
REMINDER! RQR Travel Award – 2018 Competition
Act quickly!!! The deadline to apply to the RQR Travel Awards Competition is extended to March 23, 2018. Awards of a maximum of $ 400… >>

January 2018
Vol. 11 no. 1
RQR Travel Award 2018 Competition
The RQR is pleased to announce its 2018 Travel Award Competition for awards of a maximum of $ 400 to cover costs associated with attendance… >>

December 2017
Vol. 10, no. 5
Bilan du Symposium 2017
The 10th edition of the RQR Symposium was held on November 14th and 15th 2017 at the Pavillon La Coop in StHyacinthe, and was preceded by a… >>

September 2017
Vol. 10, no. 4
2017 RQR Symposium
The 10th RQR Symposium will be held on November 14 and 15, 2017 at the Pavillon La Coop of Espace St-Hyacinthe. You can now consult the preliminary program!

Summer 2017
Vol. 10, no. 3
RQR Renewal – A word from the Director
Dear RQR members, collaborators and trainees,
Changes are afoot!
Following the news of the renewal of the FRQNT Regroupements Stratégiques grant that funds the RQR,… >>

March and April 2017
Vol. 10, no. 2
2017 Symposium RQR
The RQR is pleased to announce that the 10th RQR Symposium will be held on November 14 and 15, 2017 at the Pavillon La Coop of the Espace… >>

January and February 2017
Vol. 10, no. 1
RQR Travel Award– 2017 Competition
The RQR is pleased to announce its 2017 Travel Award competition for awards of a maximum of $400 to cover costs associated with attendance at a… >>

November and December 2016
Vol. 9, no. 5
2016 Symposium highlights
The 9th RQR Symposium was held on November 8 and 9, 2016 at the Espaces Dalhousie in Vieux-Québec. It was preceded by a pre-Symposium workshop on gene editing.… >>

August, September and October 2016
Vol. 9, no. 4
Symposium 2016 du RQR
Hurry up! Deadline to register to the 9th RQR Symposium is this Friday, October 7th!
An excellent conference program is planned, including sixty poster presentations and 17 oral… >>

May, June and July 2016
Vol. 9, no. 3
2016 RQR Symposium
The 9th Symposium of the Réseau Québécois en reproduction will take place on November 8th and 9th 2016 at the Espaces Dalhousie in Vieux-Québec. A training workshop on… >>

March and April 2016
Vol. 9, no. 2
2016 RQR Symposium in Vieux-Québec!
We are delighted to inform you that the 9th Symposium of the Réseau Québécois en reproduction will take place on November 8th and 9th 2016 at the Espaces Dalhousie… >>

January and February 2016
Vol. 9, no. 1
Renaming of the CSR to the CRRD!
The Centre for the Study of Reproduction becomes the Centre for Research in Reproduction and Development. The Executive Committee voted unanimously to change the… >>

November and December 2015
Vol. 8, No. 9
Dr. Daniel Bernard elected to the Endocrine Society, Board of Directors
Dr. Daniel Bernard from McGill University was elected as Society leader (Basic Scientist Seat) by The Endocrine Society’s Nominating Committee.… >>

September and October 2015
Vol. 8, No. 8
Dr. Daniel Cyr in the “Cercle d’excellence de l’Université du Québec”
In recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions to the field of reproductive toxicology, Dr. Daniel Cyr, from INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, inducted… >>

August 2015
Vol. 8, no. 7
2015 RQR Symposium
The 8th RQR Symposium will be held on November 17th and 18th at the Omni Mont-Royal Hotel in Montreal and will be preceded, again this year, of a… >>

June and July 2015
Vol. 8, no. 6
RQR Travel Award Winners
Thirty-six trainees were awarded RQR travel scholarships in the amount of $480 each to attend international congresses and a scholarship in the amount of $220 was… >>

May 2015
Vol. 8, no. 5
2015 Summer Scholarships
Congratulations to the 6 winners of a RQR-CREATE scholarships for internships at the RQR in the Summer of 2015:
Audrey-Ann Dumont, laboratory of Dr. Nicolas Gévry
Kevin Ippersiel, laboratory of… >>

April 2015
vol. 8, no. 4
RQR Travel Awards
The RQR offers travel awards of a maximum of $500 to cover costs associated with national or international meetings to promote scientific exchange. For a meeting held in… >>

March 2015
Vol. 8, no. 3
New collaboration grants
Four projects were funded with a grant as part of the RQR new collaboration grants competition:
Rôle des Syncytines dans la prééclampsie, Benoît Barbeau from UQAM and Julie Lavoie… >>

February 2015
Vol. 8, no. 2
Internship Opportunity for RQR Trainees at EMD Serono
EMD Serono would like to fill a Fertility Internship position in their Medical Department with an RQR trainee. The responsibilities of the… >>

Vol. 8, no. 1
New Collaboration Grants: Hurry up!
Grants are available to encourage the formation of new collaborations between RQR members. A total of 30 000$ has been allocated for the 2015 competition. Each… >>