January/February 2019
Vol. 12 no. 1
RQR Travel Award- 2019 Competition
The RQR is pleased to announce its 2019 Travel Award Competition. RQR trainees can apply for awards of up to $ 500 to cover costs associated with attendance at a national or international meeting to promote scientific exchanges. For meetings held in the province of Quebec, the maximum amount is $ 250.
The meeting must occur between January 1st and December 31st, 2019 and a limit of 2 travel grants per laboratory has been set
The candidate must give an oral or poster presentation at the meeting
The research director must be a member or collaborator of the RQR
Only one travel award per year per trainee
The meeting cannot take place in the city where the candidate lives or works
The RQR Symposium does not meet the criteria for this competition
If the travel grant is awarded, the following documents will be required:
Proof of registration to the meeting;
Proof that your abstract has been accepted for an oral or poster presentation.
Students or postdoctoral fellows can apply by sending the registration form.
*** Note: The RQR logo must be included in the presentation ***
There is no deadline for this competition. Applications can be sent throughout the year until funds are exhausted. First come, first served !
RQR Grants for New Collaborations– Results And Second Call For Proposals
Our congratulations to the winners of the new collaboration grant competition:
- Jocelyn Dubuc and Kalidou Ndiaye: Impact de la concentration sérique postpartum d’acides gras libres sur la santé utérine et sur les cytokines inflammatoires utérines des vaches laitières.
- Gustavo Zamberlam and Nicolas Gévry: Are Hippo pathway effectors key players of dairy cattle cystic ovarian disease pathogenesis?
- François Richard and Nicolas Gévry: L’organisation fonctionnelle du génome au cœur des changements d’expres- sion génique chez les cellules du cumulus selon la condition métabolique de l’ovocyte.
- William Pastor and Cathy Vaillancourt: A CRISPR screen for regulators of placenta stem cell self-renewal and differentiation.
- Serge McGraw and Vilceu Bordignon: Impact of loss of DNA methylation maintenance of Xlr3b and Xlr4b during the embryonic reprogramming wave on their future imprinted expression patterns.
As not all of the available funds were awarded following the first round of applications, we are pleased to announce a second call for proposals for the new collaboration grant competition. The RQR will award three grants of up to $ 25 000 to RQR investigators from Axis 2 (2 grants) and axis 3 (1 grant). One of the three grants will be reserved for an RQR member affiliated with the CIRD. The deadline to send your application to Charlène Rico (charlene.rico@umontreal.ca) is April 15th, 2019. The form, available here, provides all information regarding eligibility and the application process. Please note that several rules have been changed/modified from the first call for proposals.
We encourage all of you to interact with your RQR colleagues and to submit your best research ideas !
GDR 3606 Repro Competition
The winners of this competition are:
- Laurie Pinel, CIRD
- Laura Girardet, CRDSI
- Olivia Smith, CRRF
- Anne-Sophie Pepin, CRRD
The RQR congratulates these 4 PhD students who will represent the RQR during the ReproSciences meeting in Toulouse, France, on April 24th– 26th, 2019.

New RQR Diversity Committee
The RQR is pleased to announce the formation of a Diversity Committee. Its members are:
- Géraldine Delbès (Chair), researcher from INRS
- Derek Boerboom (ex officio), researcher from Université de Montréal
- Daniel Cyr, researcher from INRS
- Gustavo Zamberlam, researcher from Université de Montréal
- Gauthier Schang, student from McGill University
- Arlette Rwigemera, student from INRS
- François Fabi, student from UQTR
- Adélaïde Allais, student from Université de Montréal
The Diversity Committee will aim to :
– Create policies and activities to promote diversity, inclusion and tolerance in the RQR.
– Provide a resource where the concerns of underrepresented members of the RQR can be communicated and discussed.
– Strengthen the participation of women and minorities in the RQR and in the field of reproductive sciences.
Reminder: RQR Travel Expense Funding Program
The RQR offers trainees the opportunity to be reimbursed, fully or partially, for travel expenses incurred while traveling to another laboratory in Quebec from April 1st, 2018 to March 31st, 2019. For example, as part of collaborations between two researchers or for participation in technical workshops or other training opportunities.
Costs covered by this program include: hotels, train and bus tickets, parking tickets, and fuel costs ($ 0.44 per km or $ 0.53 per km if carpooling). For fuel, a receipt from the meeting place must be provided.
The trip must be to the laboratory of a principal investigator based in Québec who is a member or collabo- rator of the RQR.
The trip must be outside of the city where the applicant resides or works.
The maximum amount of the refund is set at $ 1 000 per trainee per year.
The RQR pre-Symposium workshop does not meet the conditions of this program.
You can apply throughout the year by contacting Charlène Rico.
This program will continue until funds are exhausted.
Frontiers In Reproduction
Congratulations to Tiphanie Cavé, PhD student at the Université de Sherbrooke in the Dr. Guylain Boissonneault’s laboratory, who has been accepted in the prestigious Frontier in Reproduction course.
Tiphanie has received an RQR scholarship of $ 2 000 to partially finance her travel expenses.
New members
It is with a great pleasure that the RQR welcomes a new regular member: Dr. Jean-Claude Labbé, Université de Montréal (Axis 3), as well as a new collaborator, Dr. Jacques Lussier, from Université de Montréal.
Next RQR Symposium
Save the date ! The 12th Annual RQR Symposium will be held at the Quebec City Convention Center on November 5th and 6th, 2019. A pre-Symposium workshop will be held on November 4th, 2019. The names of the invited speakers will be announced in the next RQR bulletin and the preliminary program will be posted at the beginning of the summer on the RQR website. Stay tuned !