Ovarian physiology

Anthony Estienne, PhD

Associate professor, Université de Montréal

research axis 1

  • Follicular health and intercellular communication
  • Folliculogenesis regulation
  • Ovarian physiology
Gustavo Zamberlam

Gustavo Zamberlam, DMV, MSc, PhD

Associate professor, Université de Montréal

research axis 1

  • Ovarian physiology
  • Physiology of the pituitary gland: regulation of gonadotropins synthesis
  • Pituitary and gonadal disorders
Raj Duggavathi

Raj Duggavathi, BVSc, MVSc, PhD

Associate professor, McGill University

research axis 1

  • Metabolic regulation of bovine fertility
  • Ovarian physiology
  • Transcriptional mechanisms of granulosa cell functions