Gustavo Zamberlam, DMV, MSc, PhD
Associate professor, Université de Montréal
research axis 1
- 450 773-8521 Ext. 0196
- gustavo.zamberlam@umontreal.ca
- https://fmv.umontreal.ca/faculte/departements/biomedecine/corps-professoral/fiche/in/in28140/sg/Gustavo%20Zamberlam/
- Centre de Recherche en Reproduction et Fertilité (CRRF)
Département de biomédecine vétérinaire
Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire
Université de Montréal
3200, Rue Sicotte, J2S 2M2
Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada
Research interests
Our main research interest is the study of ovarian physiology and dysfunction; particularly the regulation of ovarian follicle development and ovulation in bovine and rodents. The first, an important agricultural species, and the second, a useful animal model for research in biology of reproduction. We have used in vitro and in vivo approaches to demonstrate novel roles of intracrine factors like the free radical gas nitric oxide, FGFs and the secreted glycoproteins WNTs and SFRPs in mammalian ovarian granulosa cells.
We are currently focusing our studies on the physiopathological roles of Hippo signaling in bovine ovarian follicle cells. We have also expanded our studies to the level of the pituitary gland. In a current research project with mice, we are using functional genomics approaches to determine how the physiological roles of Hippo pathway regulate gonadotropin synthesis and how the disturbance of this pathway can alter pituitary function.
Members of the laboratory
Natalia Jakuc
PhD student
Leonardo Guedes De Andrade, MSc
PhD student