- • Reactivation of the embryo at the termination of the diapause
- Accelerated production system
- Adaptation
- AI approaches
- Androgen action
- Andrologie
- Andrology
- Animal biotechnology
- Animal health
- Animal model and human tissue
- Animal models and transgenesis
- Animal nutrition
- Anxiety and depression (SAD) maternal and the mother-placenta-fetal axis
- Artificial insemination
- Bayesian analysis and machine learning
- Be able to offer DNA diagnosis of recurrent fetal loss and appropriate genetic counseling
- Big data analyses
- Bioethics
- Bioethics
- Bioinformatics and machine learning
- Biosocial factors
- Biotechnology and embryo development
- Birth defects research
- Bovine Dairy Herd Health
- Bovine Immunology
- Bovine Reproduction
- Brain pathways involved in the control of socio-sexual behaviors
- Calving
- Cancers of the reproductive system
- Cardiofertility multi-omic analyses
- Cell biology of nuclear receptors
- Cell Division
- Cell polarity and mitosis
- Cell reprogramming
- Cell-cell interactions and intercellular junctions
- Cellular and molecular interactions between gametes/embryo and oviduct
- Cellular junctions
- Cellular physiology
- Chromosome segregation errors in meiosis
- claudin family of tight junction proteins
- Communication between the growing oocyte and its follicular niche
- Computational Toxicology
- Congenital toxoplasmosis
- Craniofacial Development
- CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing
- Cytokines and inflammatory pathways
- Dairy cattle behaviour
- Dairy cattle welfare
- Dairy cow fertility
- Dairy herd resiliency
- Dairy production
- Deciphering the signals involved in maternal-fetal crosstalk
- Determining how hormones and growth factors render the uterus receptive for embryo implantation
- Development
- Development and physiology of the uterus
- Development of alternative models
- Development of nutraceutical chicken antibodies
- Developmental and reproductive toxicology
- Developmental biology – embryo development
- Developmental epigenetics
- Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD)
- Diagnostic tests
- Early embryo development
- Early embryonic development
- Egg and sperm development in Drosophila
- Elucidate the mechanisms by which the identified genes lead to recurrent fetal loss.
- Elucidating the role of the Nodal signaling pathway in proper timing of parturition and how its deregulation leads to preterm birth in mice and humans
- Embryo epigenetic and molecular regulation
- Embryo metabolism
- Embryogenesis
- Embryonic development
- Endocrine disruption
- Endocrine disruptors and testis development
- Environmental and analytic chemistry
- Environmental and molecular modeling
- Environmental effects on the epigenome and offspring development and health
- Environmental toxicology
- Environmental toxicology and carcinogenesis
- Epididymis
- Epigenetic control of early embryo development
- Epigenetic modifications and disturbance
- Epigenetic of male gametes
- Epigenetics
- Epigenetics
- epithelial barriers and morphogenesis
- Epithelial dynamics and mucosal immunity
- Evaluation of anti-inflammatory therapeutic strategies in models of intrauterine inflammation leading to perinatal distress
- Evolution and development of female reproductive tracts in vertebrates
- Exercise training
- Failure in the second meiotic division in the oocytes of XY sex-reversed female mouse
- Fertilité masculine
- Fertility power of sperm
- Fibroblast growth factors and ovarian function
- Follicular development
- Follicular growth and differentiation using trancriptomics and the evaluation of the follicular quality
- Follicular health and intercellular communication
- Folliculogenesis
- Folliculogenesis regulation
- Functional genomics
- Gene and epigenome editing
- Gene editing
- Gene expression regulation
- Gene regulation
- Genetic instability of spermiogenesis
- Genetics
- Genetics / genomics
- Genome editing
- Genomic and epigenomic
- Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of the oocyte and the embryo
- Génomics
- Genomics and Bioinformatics
- Genomics of fertility
- Germ cell division
- Growth and meiotic maturation of the oocyte
- growth restriction)
- Gut microbiota and male reproduction
- Health of new-born calves
- health policy
- health policy
- Healthy pregnancy and pathology (hypertensive disorder and diabetes)
- Heat stress
- Hormonal response of reproductive tissues
- Hormone action
- Hormone-dependent cancers and nuclear receptors
- Hormone-dependent cancers of the female reproductive system
- How the environment influences reproductive function and competency across multiple generations
- Human endogenous retrovirus (hERV) envelope proteins and their role in in trophoblast fusion
- Human infertility
- Human reproduction
- IA adoption in reproductive health
- IA approaches
- IBR-BVD vaccination
- Identify new genes responsible for recurrent fetal loss.
- Immunology/Inflammation
- Implication of hERV Env protein in immunosuppression
- In vitro systems that support oocyte growth and maturation
- Infectious diseases epidemiology
- Infertility
- Infertility in men
- Inflammation and cancers of reproductive and genito-urinary systems
- Inflammation and macrophage / trophoblast interactions
- Inflammation and macrophages/trophoblast interactions
- Inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface
- Inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface
- Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment
- Intercellular communication networks for the establishment of an optimal luminal environment for sperm maturation
- Intergenerational epigenetic transmission
- Investigate how the early ex vivo environment modify the methylome, transcriptome and noncoding RNAs of the first three lineages (TE, EPI and PE)
- Investigate the role of noncoding RNAs in the lineage formation and programming of the human embryo at a single-cell resolution
- Labryrinth Layer Development
- Leydig cell differentiation and function
- Male infertility
- Male infertility
- Male infertility and cancer of the reproductive system
- Male reproductive ageing
- Male reproductive toxicology
- Male sexual differentiation
- Mammaliam oocyte growth and maturation
- Mammalian sex determination
- Mammalian sex determination and differentiation
- Mammary gland and lactation
- mammary gland biology and development
- Mammary gland development and breast cancer
- Maternal exposure to pathogen
- Mechanisms of GnRH action
- Mechanisms of intracellular signaling pathways
- Melatonin and serotonin in placental function and fetal development
- Metabolic and reproductive tract diseases in postpartum dairy cows
- Metabolic regulation of bovine fertility
- microbiota of the female reproductive system
- Microbiote du système reproducteur féminin
- Microcirculation during puberty
- Milk quality
- Molecular endocrinology
- Molecular genetics of sex determination
- Molecular mechanisms of IGSF1-deficiency syndrome
- Mouse models for rare genetic diseases
- Mouse/human assisted reproduction
- mRNA translation
- Neural crest cell development in health and disease
- neural tube closure
- Neuroendocrine control of female reproduction
- New Apporach Methods for human health risk assessment
- Normal and abnormal epigenetic programming during gametogenesis and embryogenesis
- NR5A2 orphan receptor family
- Nuclear-mitochondrial crosstalk in chromatin dynamics
- Observational and controlled field studies conducted on commercial dairy farms
- On-farm management systems
- Oncology
- Oocyte and embryo development
- Oocyte development
- Organics contaminants
- Organization and function of the germinal syncytium
- Ovarian function
- Ovarian physiology
- Ovarian physiology and dysfunction
- Oviduct development and homeostasis
- Ovogenesis
- Ovulation and luteal function
- Oxidative stress and sperm quality
- Pathogenesis of uterine diseases
- Pathophysiology of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Performance of diagnostic tests for endometritis
- Pharmacokinetic/Toxicokinetic
- Physiologie
- Physiologie cellulaire
- Physiology
- Physiology and endocrinology
- physiology and homeostasia of gonads and endocrine tissue
- Physiology of the oviductal epithelium
- Physiology of the pituitary gland: regulation of gonadotropins synthesis
- Pituitary and gonadal disorders
- Pituitary development and function
- Placental cell dysfunction during infections
- Placental development
- Placental exosomes and the role of hERV proteins in their internalisation by target cells
- Placental functions
- Population genetics
- Post-testicular maturation
- Post-testicular maturation of spermatozoa
- Post-testicular regulation of male reproduction
- Preeclampsia
- Preeclampsia
- Pregnancy complications (preterm birth
- Pregnancy complications (preterm birth ;preeclampsia growth ;restriction)
- Pregnancy-associated-glycoprotein
- Preimplantation development and embryonic stem cells
- Prenatal Exposure to alcohol
- Prolificacy major genes
- Prostate
- protection and storage in the epididymis
- Quantitative methods
- Reactivation of the embryo at the termination of the diapause
- Redox signaling in male reproduction
- Redox signalling and oxidative stress in male reproduction
- regular hormonal cycles and menopause
- Regulation of gene expression
- Regulation of gene expression
- Regulation of gene expression in the ovaries
- Regulation of gonad-specific gene expression
- Regulation of hormone expression and action in the gonads
- Regulation of mRNA translation in placental cells
- Renin-angiotensin system
- Reproduction and epigenetics in domestic animals
- Reproduction and genetic
- Reproductive Biology
- reproductive ethics
- reproductive ethics
- Reproductive health
- Reproductive immunology
- Reproductive management of dairy herds
- Reproductive technologies
- Reproductive toxicology
- Reproductive toxicology
- Reproductive toxicology/dietary effects on offspring outcomes
- Reprudctive Biology
- Research in applied artificial intelligence
- Résilience
- Resilience
- Role of cyclic nucleotides in mitochondrial function
- Role of cyclic nucleotides in ovarian function
- Role of in utero inflammation on fetal development
- Role of primary cilia in the controle of epididymis development and homeostasis
- Role of signaling pathways in gonadal physiology and endocrine tissues
- Role of small non-coding RNA in the control of post-testicular sperm maturation in the epididymis
- Roles of developmental signaling pathways in gonadal physiology
- Self-renewal of germinal stem cells
- Self-renewal of germinal stem cells
- Sexual differentiation of the mouse gonad and germ cells
- Sexual differentiation of the mouse gonad and germ cells
- Sheep reproduction
- Signaling pathways
- Signalization of the primary cilium
- Small ruminants molecular genomics
- Sperm activation (motility;capacitation and acrosome reaction)
- Sperm fertilizing competence
- Sperm genetic integrity test
- Sperm/egg interaction
- Sperm/oocyte interactions
- Spermatogenesis
- Spermatogonial stem cells: Fate decision control
- Spermatogonial stem cells: Male fertility preservation and restoration for boys and men
- Stem cell propagation culture Drug development
- Stem cell reprogramming and differentiation
- Stem cells
- Steroidogenesis
- Stress
- Surveillance of oocytes with synaptic errors during fetal and neonatal ovarian development
- Sustainable animal production
- Systems Biology
- Technology and knowledge transfer
- Technology: Cell separation
- Technology: Cell separation Transplantation Stem cell propagation culture Drug development
- Teratology
- Testicle
- The biochemical and physiological mechanisms involved in fertilization
- The mechanisms of sperm protection during storage in extenders and development of novel synthetic extenders free of animal origin
- Therapeutic and diagnostic antibody discovery for difficult targets
- Theriogenology
- Toxicology
- Transcription factors
- Transcription factors and regulation of gene expression
- Transcription of noncoding repetitive DNA
- Transcriptional mechanisms in breast and ovarian tumorigenesis
- Transcriptional mechanisms of granulosa cell functions
- Transcriptional regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone synthesis
- transcriptome and noncoding RNAs of the first three lineages (TE
- Transgenesis and functional genomics
- Transplantation
- Trophoblast and macrophage biology
- Ubiquitin Proteasome System
- Unravel fundamental aspects of preimplantation embryo development and RNA biology
- Use of diagnostic tests at the farm
- Use of predictive models at the farm
- Uterine and ovarian biology
- Virus and toxins and placental function