Results of the 2018 RQR travel awards

27 Apr 2018 Unclassified

The RQR wishes to congratulate the 24 students who received a travel award in the amount of $400 to present their research results at a meeting in 2018:

·      Adrien Levasseur, UdeM

·      Anne Gouraud, UdeS

·      Bélinda Crobeddu, INRS

·      Catherine Bélanger, UQUAM

·      Chirinie Toufaily, McGill

·      Chongyang Wu, ULaval

·      Cynthia Duval, UdeM

·      Dadou Lokengo, UQTR

·      Emilie Brûlé, McGill

·      Laurie Pinel, INRS

·      Lisa-Marie Legault, UdeM (200$)

·      Marie-Charlotte Meinsohn, UdeM

·      Marie-Charlotte Dumargne, McGill

·      Marie-Ève Brien, UdeM

·      Marie-Ève Lemoine, UdeM

·      Marzieh Eskandari Shahraki, UdeM

·      Meihong Shi, ULaval

·      Olivia Smith,UdeM

·      Pascal Adam, UQTR

·      Pauline Herst, ULaval (200$)

·      Rita Gouesse, INRS

·      Tiphanie Cavé, UdeS

·      Victoria Doudenkova, UdeM

·      Xueqing Liu, McGill

On behalf of the RQR, congratulations to all the awardees and have good meeting!

