Congratulations to the winners of the new collaboration grant competition:
Jocelyn Dubuc and Kalidou Ndiaye: Impact de la concentration sérique postpartum d’acides gras libres sur la santé utérine et sur les cytokines inflammatoires utérines des vaches laitières.
Gustavo Zamberlam and Nicolas Gévry: Are Hippo pathway effectors key players of dairy cattle cystic ovarian disease pathogenesis?
François Richard and Nicolas Gévry: L’organisation fonctionnelle du génome au cœur des changements d’expression génique chez les cellules du cumulus selon la condition métabolique de l’ovocyte.
William Pastor and Cathy Vaillancourt: A CRISPR screen for regulators of placenta stem cell self-renewal and differentiation.
Serge McGraw and Vilceu Bordignon: Impact of loss of DNA methylation maintenance of Xlr3b and Xlr4b during the embryonic reprogramming wave on their future imprinted expression patterns.