Isabelle Gilbert

Contact information

  • 418-656-2131, Ext. 408358
  • Université Laval
    Département des sciences animales
    Pavillon Paul Comtois, local 4207
    2425 rue de l’Agriculture
    Québec, Qc
    G1V 0A6

Research interests

  • Epigenetics
  • Genetics / genomics
  • Reproduction and epigenetics in domestic animals

My research interests focus on male reproductive functions and epigenetics in livestock species. One of my primary objectives will be to study the sources of genetic instability transmitted by the male gamete and their modulation by environmental factors. The central hypothesis of this work is based on the idea that sperm parameters and chromatin reorganization are key indicators of fertility in livestock animals. More specifically, my projects aim to:

  • Map the chromatin landscape of sperm to better understand its role in fertility.
  • Identify the links between epigenetic marks transmitted by the male gamete and reproductive performance.
  • Apply this knowledge to develop strategies to improve fertility in livestock species.
  • Propose innovative solutions to optimize semen preservation techniques.

This research will generate fundamental knowledge about the molecular processes regarding male reproduction while providing practical applications in the agricultural sector.

Members of the laboratory
