
Research interests

  • Uterine and ovarian biology, physiology and endocrinology
  • Hormone-dependent cancers of the female reproductive system
  • Animal models and transgenesis

Dr. Asselin’s research laboratory is interested understanding the regulation of cell survival and cell death in the context of embryo implantation, endometrial decidualization and in pathological conditions such as chemoresistance in gynecological cancers (endometrial and ovarian). More precisely, his laboratory has been actively investigating the PI-3K/Akt pathway in this context. Animal models, transgenic mouse human biopsies, cell lines are used in his laboratory to study this signaling pathway at the cellular and molecular level. His laboratory include 1 research professional, 1 postdoctoral fellow, 3 PhD students and 2 MSc students. For the last 16 years, he has trained more than 75 undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. His group has published more than 92 publications in peer-review international scientific journals, with a citation impact factor of 37 (H factor). He was recipient of a FRQS chercheur-boursier, a CIHR New Investigator Award and the Canada Research Chair in Molecular Gyneco-oncology from 2006 to 2016.

Members of the laboratory

Francois Fabi, MSc
PhD student

Pascal Adam, MSc
PhD student

Laurence Tardif, BSc
PhD student

Muhammad Nadeem Asghar, PhD

Dadou LOKENGO LIKONZA MD / Gynécologue-Obstétricien
PhD student

Junie Chansi, MSc
PhD student

Sophie Parent, MSc
Research assistant
