RQR contribution for knowledge transfer activities

This competition is now OPEN.

First come, first served!

A budget of $ 4,000 is available to reimburse expenses incurred by RQR members and trainees as part of a knowledge transfer activity.

The latter may include any event in which scientific and research information is relayed to its end-users (veterinarians, producers, clinicians etc …) and/or to the general public.

Examples are television or radio broadcasts, interviews, publication of popularized newspaper or magazine articles, and poster or oral presentations of research data to non-scientific target audiences.

The maximum amount reimbursed will be $ 500 per activity, until funds are depleted. This amount will be paid on the condition of providing the following elements in a single PDF document to Maryse Um (info@info-rqr.ca):

  • a document detailing the transfer activity (1 page maximum)
  • invoices for various expenses

2024 New collaboration grants competition

This competition is now CLOSED.

The RQR is pleased to announce its New Collaboration Grants program. This year, a total of 5 grants of $10,000 each will be offered, with up to 3 favoring applications related to artificial intelligence.

2023 Collaboration grant program- Effect of reproduction management on the environment

This competition is CLOSED.

The RQR is pleased to announce its 2023 grant program for collaborations focusing on the effects of reproduction management on the environment. The proposed research will have to focus on the benefits of animal reproduction improvement on the environment

The deadline is September 18, 2023.

2023 New collaborations grant program integrating artificial intelligence in reproduction

This competition is now CLOSED.

The RQR is pleased to announce its 2023 New Collaboration Grant Program. The proposed research should advance integration of artificial intelligence or AI into the research field of reproduction (basic or applied). For example, a project could focus on the use and/or development of artificial intelligence tools (i.e., deep learning, machine learning, smart tools, modeling, imaging, etc.) in a reproductive study.

The deadline is July 7, 2023.

2022/2023 new collaboration grant competition with non-academic partners

This competition is now CLOSED.

This competition offers 3 grants (3 x $20 000) and has 2 streams:

Stream 1 : New collaboration with an industrial partner. The maximal amount of this grant is $20,000.

Stream 2 : New collaboration with a public and non-academic partner. The maximal amount of this grant is $20,000.

The competition is now open and the deadline to apply is December 2nd 2022 until midnight. Your application must be sent to info@info-rqr.ca. All information can be found in the guidelines below.

2022 Competition Guidelines

2022/2023 new collaboration with GDR 3606 repro grant competition

This competition is CLOSED.

As part of the partnership between the RQR and the GDR 3606 Repro in France, a new funding competition has been organized to support the establishment of a 3 new collaborations, between our two networks. The maximal amount of each funding is $15,000.

Information about the GDR repro teams are available here: https://www6.inrae.fr/gdr-repro/Les-equipes-du-GDR/Les-equipes

The competition guidelines are available here: 2022 Competition guidelines

Your applications must be sent to Maryse Um (info@info-rqr.ca)

The deadline for applications is October 7, 2022.

2022/2023 new collaboration grant competition with 3 other RQR partners

This competition is CLOSED.

As part of the partnership with the CBRA, SBTE and ORH research groups, a new funding competition has been organized to support the establishment of two new collaborations, between RQR members and at least one of the 3 networks cited previously. The maximal amount of each funding is $15,000.

The competition guidelines are available here: 2022 Competition guidelines

Your applications must be sent to Maryse Um (info@info-rqr.ca)

The deadline to apply is October 7, 2022.

2022 New collaboration grant competition

This competition is now CLOSED.

RQR is pleased to announce its 2022 New Collaboration Grant Program.


  • To be eligible, the principal investigator and at least one co-applicant must be regular members of the RQR;
  • A researcher may apply to the axis deemed most appropriate for his or her application, independently of the axis of the principal investigator or co-applicant’s research axis;
  • The proposed research must be fundable by FRQNT but not exclusively (i.e., research potentially fundable by other FRQs in addition to FRQNT is welcome). In the past, only topics specific to the mandate of FRQNT were targeted. This competition opens the door to reproductive biology issues that are relevant to the mandates of the FRQS and FRQSC;
  • The proposed research may be related to the scientific theme of the RQR (see here the scientific program of each axis: https://rqr-repro.org/en/research/) but may also address human reproductive health (FRQS, including basic, clinical, epidemiological, public health and health services research) and/or social sciences and humanities (FRQSC). An interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach is encouraged;
  • A researcher may only submit one application as a principal investigator but may be a co-applicant on multiple applications;
  • The proposed project must not be (or have been) funded by any other source;
  • Preliminary data is permitted but not required;
  • Advantage will be given to inter-university collaborations and cross-sectoral linkages;
  • The maximum budget for this grant is $20,000. Expenditure categories to be met are: $15,000 in laboratory supplies and materials and $5,000 in salaries for technical or professional research staff (research assistants and associates employed by a RQR member). Equipment, animal facility fees, services, and student and postdoc fellowships are excluded.

Competition Guidelines

Send your application to Maryse Um (info@info-rqr.ca) by June 30, 2022.

2019/2020 Non-academic partnership grant competition

This competion is now CLOSED.

The aim of this competition is to strengthen our links with the research end-users such as governmental agencies, industry and the Centres Collégiaux de Transfert de Technologie. This competition will fund one new collaboration with a maximal budget of $25,000.

This competition is now open and the deadline to apply is September 30th until midnight. Your applications must be sent to Cathy Froment (cathy.froment@umontreal.ca). Application information is described in the competition guidelines below.

Competition guidelines