Bruce D. Murphy, PhD

Professor, Université de Montréal

research axis 3

  • NR5A2 orphan receptor family
  • Ovulation and luteal function
  • Reactivation of the embryo at the termination of the diapause
Serge McGraw

Serge McGraw, PhD

Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Foetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies Axis, University of Montreal

research axis 2

  • Embryonic development
  • Epigenetic modifications and disturbance
  • Prenatal Exposure to alcohol

Loydie A. Jerome-Majewska, PhD

Associate Professor, McGill University

research axis 3

  • Craniofacial Development
  • Labryrinth Layer Development

Pierre Leclerc, PhD

Professor, Université Laval

research axis 1

  • Male infertility
  • Sperm fertilizing competence
  • Sperm/egg interaction

Julie L. Lavoie, PhD

Professor and École de kinésiologie et des sciences de l'activité physique of Université de Montréal.

research axis 2

  • Animal model and human tissue
  • Exercise training
  • Healthy pregnancy and pathology (hypertensive disorder and diabetes)
Raj Duggavathi

Raj Duggavathi, BVSc, MVSc, PhD

Associate professor, McGill University

research axis 1

  • Metabolic regulation of bovine fertility
  • Ovarian physiology
  • Transcriptional mechanisms of granulosa cell functions

Vilceu Bordignon, DMV, MSc, PhD

Associate professor, McGill University

research axis 1

  • Animal biotechnology
  • Embryo development
  • Reproductive Biology

Yojiro Yamanaka, PhD

Associate professor, McGill University

research axis 3

  • Evolution and development of female reproductive tracts in vertebrates
  • Microcirculation during puberty and regular hormonal cycles and menopause
  • Ovarian cancer

Robert S. Viger, PhD

Professor, Université Laval

research axis 3

  • Mammalian sex determination and differentiation
  • Regulation of gonad-specific gene expression
  • Regulation of hormone expression and action in the gonads
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