EDI Recognition program

In an effort to acknowledge RQR members that have been actively engaged in promoting more diverse and equal environments, the Diversity Committee is proud to announce the RQR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Recognition program. Through this, RQR members (regular and trainees) can be nominated by their peers or self-nominate to highlight their efforts towards building a more inclusive, equal and diverse community. Successful nominees will be featured on the RQR bulletin and announced at the RQR annual Symposium.

Help us identify those members who positively shaped their spaces in terms of equity!


  1. Nominees must be a regular or trainee member of the Réseau Québécois en reproduction.
  2. Nominees must be recognized for their efforts to promote more inclusive, equal and diverse community within the RQR, the scientific community or within the general community.
  3. The action must have been done or started within the last 1 year from the date of nomination.

Note: Yearly commitments in associations can only be recognized once

For more details on the application guidelines, please see: application form

The deadline is October 9th, 2022.

Results: 2019 Recruitment Scholarships Competition

Congratulations to the three awardees of the 2019 Diversity Committee Competition of Recruitment of students from developing countries (https://icqi.org/developing-countries-list/):

  • Karine De Mattos, PhD student with Dr. Jacques J. Tremblay, Université Laval
  • Felipes Diez Andres, PhD student with Dr. Maritza Jamarillo, INRS Institut Armand-Frappier
  • Khiat Nihad, PhD student with Dr. Carlos Moreno-Reyes, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Welcome to the RQR!

