
Géraldine Delbès, PhD

Associate professor, INRS-Centre Armand Frappier-Santé biotechnologie

research axis 2

  • Génomics
  • Reproductive toxicology
  • Testicle
Alexandre Boyer

Alexandre Boyer, PhD

Associate professor, Université de Montréal

research axis 3

  • physiology and homeostasia of gonads and endocrine tissue
  • Signaling pathways
  • Transgenesis and functional genomics

Cathy Vaillancourt, PhD

Professor, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

research axis 2

  • Anxiety and depression (SAD) maternal and the mother-placenta-fetal axis
  • Melatonin and serotonin in placental function and fetal development
  • Virus and toxins and placental function

Jacquetta Trasler, MD, PhD

Professor, McGill University

research axis 2

  • Birth defects research
  • Epigenetics
  • Infertility

Teruko Taketo, PhD

Professor, McGill University

research axis 2

  • Failure in the second meiotic division in the oocytes of XY sex-reversed female mouse
  • Sexual differentiation of the mouse gonad and germ cells
  • Surveillance of oocytes with synaptic errors during fetal and neonatal ovarian development

Lawrence C. Smith, DVM, MSc, PhD

Professor, Université de Montréal

research axis 1

  • Epigenetic control of early embryo development
  • Stem cell reprogramming and differentiation

Marc-André Sirard, DMV, PhD

Professor, Université Laval

research axis 2

  • Follicular growth and differentiation using trancriptomics and the evaluation of the follicular quality
  • Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of the oocyte and the embryo
  • Reproduction and epigenetics in domestic animals

Christopher Price, PhD

Professor, Université de Montréal

research axis 1

  • Dairy cow fertility
  • Fibroblast growth factors and ovarian function
  • Folliculogenesis

Makoto Nagano, PhD, DVM

Associate professor, McGill University

research axis 1

  • Spermatogonial stem cells: Fate decision control
  • Spermatogonial stem cells: Male fertility preservation and restoration for boys and men
  • Technology: Cell separation Transplantation Stem cell propagation culture Drug development
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