2024 SSR Meeting

25 Jul 2024 Unclassified

Congratulations to all RQR members who were worthy representatives of the network at the 57th meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction from July 15 to 19, 2024 in Dublin, Ireland.

  • Recipients of RQR travel grants were: Mary Loka (PhD candidate with Daniel Bernard, McGillU), Michael Berube (PhD candidate with Derek Boerboom, UdeM), Florine Grudet (PhD candidate with Derek Boerboom, UdeM), Natalia Jakuc (PhD candidate with Gustavo Zamberlam, UdeM), Karine Doiron (Postdoc fellow with Serge McGraw, UdeM), Florence Gagnon (PhD candidate with Nicolas Gévry, UdeS).
  • Memories of the meeting are on social media…

